Disability Accommodations

Authorizing Body:

Office of the Dean


Angela Nuzzarello, M.D., M.H.P.E.

Date Issued:

August 1, 2011

Last Update:

July 14, 2015


To assist students with disabilities in addressing academic concerns.

Scope and Applicability:

All students enrolled in the School of Medicine

Standard Practice Guideline:

OU adheres to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) in prohibiting discrimination against any qualified person with a disability. Students with specific questions regarding policies governing students with disabilities may contact the OU Office of Disabilities Support Services (DSS) by phone at (248) 370-3266, located at 103A North Foundation Hall.


Students who warrant accommodations based upon the functional effects of a physical or learning disability should adhere to the following procedure. Please read each step of the procedure thoroughly.

Student meets with a representative of the DSS, provides documentation of a disability, and requests accommodations.

A definitive diagnosis of a disability must be identified in the documentation.

Details regarding the required documentation for each disability can be found at the DSS website:http://wpn0.866kq.com/dss/.

Note: if a student does not have documentation and requires testing, the testing process could take a minimum of six to eight weeks to complete.

For entering students, it is best to arrange accommodations prior to orientation. Students who do not meet with DSS before classes begin should meet with DSS, with their documentation, as soon as possible, ideally a minimum of six weeks before services are required. It is the student's responsibility to register with DSS and request accommodations!

DSS staff will review the student's supporting documentation to determine sufficiency and eligibility for accommodations. If additional testing is required, temporary accommodations may be granted while documentation is completed.

DSS staff will complete and sign the Faculty Notification Letter. The student will be asked to sign the letter indicating agreement with suggested accommodations and understanding of his or her responsibility.

Prior to the start of each academic year, students must obtain a new, updated Faculty Notification Letter from DSS and give a copy of this letter to the OUWB Director of Academic Success.

The Faculty Notification Letter will not be part of the academic record of the student and will be shared only on a need-to-know basis.

Two copies of the notification letter will be given to the student: one for the student and one for the student to give to the OUWB Director of Academic Success. (The DSS Office will retain a copy of all records and meeting notes).

The student is to schedule an appointment with the OUWB Director of Academic Success to submit a copy of the Faculty Notification Letter and discuss how accommodations will be facilitated. Failure to meet this requirement will release the OUWB School of Medicine and DSS from the responsibility of providing accommodations.

The OUWB Director of Academic Success will review the letter, determine appropriateness of all requests based on School of Medicine requirements, and discuss concerns with the student and/or call DSS when appropriate.

The OUWB Director of Academic Success, in collaboration with the M1, M2 and M3/M4 Curriculum Coordinators, will coordinate the provision of accommodations.

A special situation arises with the NBME subject or comprehensive examinations. Since these examinations need to be ordered well in advance of the test date, students who are requesting to take an NBME examination under special accommodations should complete the Alternative Testing Sign-up Sheet at least FOUR WEEKS prior to the date the exam is to be administered.


Related Policies and Forms:
